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13 Route Drivers Preform Fire Extinguisher Training

Posted In | Company News & Safety

Lamers employees fire safety training

On Wednesday December 16, 2015, 13 of our route drivers went to Green Bay Metro Fire Station 4 to preform fire extinguisher training. This simulated training consisted of a 3-by-3-foot screen, live smoke machine and a laser pointed fire extinguisher, simulating a fire on a bus. During this training these drivers were required to show that they learned and were able to preform the PASS method of putting out a fire

• Pull the safety pin by twisting and removing it from the handle.
• Aim the extinguisher at the base of the flames.
• Squeeze the handle to expel the extinguishing agent.
• Sweep the nozzle side to side at the base of the fire.

During this training, each driver was able to preform basic knowledge and fire extinguisher skills and gain knowledge for not only their transportation experiences but for their home life as well.

Green Bay Metro Fire Department would like to share this information with all of you. Here are a few tips:

• One of the most common mistakes when using portable fire extinguishers is overestimating the size of fire that the extinguisher can handle.
• Do not ever use an extinguisher if you have to position yourself where the fire is between yourself and your point of escape.
• Purchase and use a tested (UL or FM) rated extinguisher of the ABC type. This is the most general-purpose extinguisher and is designed to help control fires of three types. Normal combustibles, (paper, cloth, wood, etc.) ignitable liquids, (gas, lighter fluid, oil, etc.) and small electrical fires.
• Cooking fires in a pan are easily extinguished by placing a lid or a cookie sheet over the pan. A home extinguisher might push burning grease onto walls or cupboards so use caution!
• Place an extinguisher in a place that is easily accessible and visible.

Knowing when to use or when not to use a fire extinguisher can be a tough decision. If you have any doubts, get out and call your local fire department.

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