Motor Coach Terms and Conditions
- THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BUREAU OF MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY HAS REGULATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION AND SAFETY OF THE CHARTER CUSTOMER AND THE DRIVERS. DRIVERS ARE LIMITED TO 10 HOURS OF DRIVING. AFTER 10 HOURS ARE MET THE DRIVER MUST HAVE 8 CONSECUTIVE HOURS AWAY FROM THE GROUP. Drivers must comply with charter orders, and no deviations are permitted without office approval. Should your trip plans need extra driving or on duty time, we can provide additional drivers so that your trip may be conducted as scheduled. Carrier reserves the right to charge for any/all additional services not contracted for prior to departure.
- MAPS & ITINERARIES must be received a minimum of 14 days prior to departure to allow driver preparation. The group leader assumes the responsibility of submitting an itinerary to the carrier that meets legal driving standards as mentioned in the first paragraph. Detailed itineraries are essential and should list all stops with addresses and phone numbers to all destinations. This information is important to the success of your trip. The carrier will not be held responsible for delays incurred due to insufficient information for destinations or pickup locations. Any changes to itineraries (i.e. loading location or pickup, times etc…), must be made directly to the sales staff, and followed by a fax copy. Please call to discuss all changes. This practice will enhance the quality and service we provide.
- GENERAL: If the group must arrive at a destination by a specific time, the group leader’s itinerary should allow sufficient travel time. This means allowing for construction delays, traffic, time needed to pack and load bus/unpack and unload bus, rest stops and meal stops. For an additional fee, Lamers Tour & Travel will assist your group with your itinerary and if necessary, hotel reservations and attractions. They can be reached at 1-800-236-8687 or 414-281-2002.
- LIABILITY (1) The carrier will not be liable for delays caused by an act of God, public enemies, authority of law, quarantine, perils of navigation, riots, strikes, the hazards or dangers incident to a state of war, accidents, breakdowns, poor conditions of the road, snow storm, and or conditions beyond its control, and does not guarantee to arrive or depart from any point at a specified time.
- ADDITONAL CHARGES: If your group exceeds the allotted times that are printed on the face of the contract, the group may be billed accordingly. However, if there are delays due to the situations listed in paragraph #4, there will be no additional charge billed to the group.
- CHARTERING party must be a minimum of 21 years of age to reserve a motorcoach.
- CHAPERONES: Group must supply a minimum of two chaperones, 21 years of age or older per vehicle. One chaperone is expected be stationed at the rear of the vehicle and one in the front. Passengers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a chaperone on the vehicle at all times. The Lamers employee (driver) is NOT a chaperone. The chaperones are responsible for the behavior of the passengers within their group.
- CLEANLINESS is both the responsibility of the customer and the driver. Drivers will make every effort to have the coach cleaned and washrooms serviced on extended trips. Any food or drink left on the floor of the vehicle is the responsibility of the customer. Food and drink on the coach is a privilege and can be revoked by the driver if inappropriate behavior warrants such action.
- ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES on the coach must be approved prior to departure and may be subject to an extra charge. If extra time is needed by our cleaners to clean a coach for any reason, an hourly charge of $75.00 per hour will be assessed to the group leader in charge. No glass or kegs will be allowed on the coach.
- SMOKING is not permitted on any of our vehicles at any time.
- DAMAGE done to the vehicle or its contents by the customer or any of their passengers is the financial responsibility of the chartering party. Any headrest removed from the seat back is a minimum charge of $35.00 per seat to re-install.
- VIDEOS, VIDEO PLAYERS & VIDEO MONITORS: Lamers is required by law to pay a copyright/license fee for videos provided by our company to be shown on the coach. Customers are welcome to play their own videos on the coach at their own risk, (see paragraph #13). On charters where two drivers must drive straight through to the destination, the video must be turned off from 10:00pm to 6:00am, so the relief driver may sleep. Lamers will not refund any monies for non-functioning video equipment or videos. All Lamers coaches have video capability except 24 passenger Mini-Coach buses and Trolleys. Movies with greater than a PG-13 rating are not allowed to be played on Lamers Bus Lines’ vehicles.
- RENTAL OF MOTOR-COACH VIDEO EQUIPMENT BY CHARTER CUSTOMERS CARRYING THEIR OWN ENTERTAINMENT TAPES: COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OBLIGATIONS – Charter Party/Tour Operator/Lessee, pursuant to the Copyright Laws of the United States and other applicable laws, including all International Copyright laws, Treaties and conventions, shall obtain from the owners, their agents or other licensor of the copyright and other intellectual property rights, all licenses and other grants and permission necessary for the public performance of all music, other audio and visual material presented or sponsored by Tour Operator/lessee on the vehicles, and shall make all required royalty, license and any other payments which may be required. To the extent, if any, the Vehicle Owner/Operator/Lessor shall be required, to obtain any such licenses, grants and permissions and/or to make royalty, license or any other payments as a result, Tour/Operator/Lessee shall pay for reimbursement to Vehicle Owner/Operator/Lessor the full costs. Including taxes and administrative fees, if any, of such payments.
- DRIVERS HOTEL/MOTEL costs are the responsibility of the chartering party unless otherwise specified in writing by the sales office. Drivers are customarily off duty upon arrival at the destination. Exceptions must be pre-approved.
- SPECIAL BAGGAGE INSTRUCTIONS: For the protection of your passengers’ property, Lamers Bus Lines requires that instruments and valuables over $50.00 be stored in a steel flight case. Luggage can shift during transportation. Because of this, we ask that your valuables be stored as safely as possible. Any items not stored in a steel flight case will not be the responsibility of Lamers Bus Lines should damage occur. Baggage will be loaded and unloaded by the driver or under supervision of the driver. One suitcase per person and one small carry-on are recommended. Any baggage that is damaged by loading and unloading and was not handled by the driver or under his/her supervision will not be the responsibility of the carrier. All baggage must be taken off the coach each night. The carrier will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles on the coach.
- INDEMNIFICATION: Charter Party/Tour Operator/Lessee, for itself, its shareholders, members, officers, directors, employees, agents, and anyone claiming under or through it (the “indemnitors”) shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless vehicle Owner/Operator/Lessor and its shareholders, members, officers, directors, employees, and agents of and from any and all demands, damages, costs, fees, including actual attorney fees, judgements, awards, and any other sums due or claimed due and arising from any acts or omissions of any of the Indemnitors, whether any of the same arise through tort, contract, including a breach of this contract or otherwise, and including but not limited to an violation of the intellectual property rights of any third party.
- FUEL CONTINGENCY: Should fuel prices increase, we reserve the right to adjust the contracted price accordingly with a fuel surcharge.
- DEPOSITS are due upon booking the equipment and are to be sent along with your confirmation(s). The amount and the date that each deposit is required will be stated on each confirmation. Trip(s) are subject to cancellation without notice if deposit(s) are not received within the specified time period. All payments made within 30 days of departure must be cash or a certified check.
- CANCELLATION policy requires 30 days notice prior to departure for full refund. If additional time is required, contact our sales office for approval.
- LOST AND FOUND ITEMS left on the bus will be kept for up to seven business days before being thrown away or donated.